Thursday, March 22, 2007


This was so fun to do! I want to take a photography class so bad. I could get a book but that would be so boring to read. Anyone photographer out there need someone to shadow them?


Tammy M. said...

Books are my lifeblood in our little town. As I look at my desk above my computer I can count about 10 books I have read through and go back to almost daily mostly for photoshop stuff. Anything from Amherst Media is written well (not too much technical stuff) and with great images. You can find them online at, and sometimes Hastings has some on their shelf. Photography is a journey, it has not been an easy journey, but it sure is fun.

Jen said...

WOW! Debra those pictures are AMAZING!!!! You sure have a lot of natural talent. Thanks for the link here to your blog. I will enjoy keeping up on what you all are doing. I can not BELIEVE how big your 2 kids are - GOODNESS! They sure do grow quick.

I love the look of your blog too. I need to sit down and figure out how to personalize mine.