Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Singing the Blues

I can't live if living is without you. I can't live, I can't live anymore...

(Do you remember that song?)

I am singing the blues tonight. I am deep blue about my lack of DVR. I have missed so many shows that I am used to watching when boredom hits. I found out that I missed Oprah's interview with Lisa Beamer and Mary Winkler. I love interviews. I am a stalker at heart. I caught just a moment of the view today only to find out they have two new co-hosts. Just when did that happen?

I am also singing the blues at the lack of rewind skills with a DVR. I am truly spoiled and evidently am pretty addicted to television. My brain is going through a stage of detox from the world that lives in the small box. I guess that could be a good thing.

One side note: While I was blogging Ernest was reading (what a man!). While reading he came upon a picture stuck in the book of Chibwede. Chibwede is our Compassion child. So here I was talking about my lack of DVR and how sad I am when Chibwede graces my heart. I am truly in want of nothing. It is true, I am a little spoiled.

Thank you, Chibwede, for bringing my mind into focus.

God, you are so good, with or without a DVR.


Anonymous said...

i love moments of perspective like that! those are great reminders for all of us.

kittyhox said...

Oh yeah, I'm addicted to the DVR, too. The funny thing is that I watch LESS TV than before because I just watch what I have taped and never just sit around for half an hour flipping through channels anymore.

I keep each of our CCF/WorldVision kids' most recent photo on the fridge - and nothing else. Ever time I walk through the kitchen or open the fridge I am reminded of them. But keeping their photo in our Bibles/Bible study books would be a great idea so we remember to pray for them, not just think of them...

We watched One Night with the King last night and I thought about you and the other ladies at the Esther study!

Alana said...

Perspective is a beautiful thing.

We are all spoiled in this country compared to most. Our pastor did a sermon series on Poverty this last Sunday and it sure gave me some perspective. So many people are dying of HUNGER or THIRST and I complain that my Chai Tea Latte doesn't have enough flavor. Yikes.

Anonymous said...

Good post but uhm, yeah, you know I'm married to my TIVO!

Anonymous said...

if you can sing THAT song you are SUPER-TALENTED.
..... just a random thought for today.

Heather C said...

Debra... loved the blog, loved your thoughts for today. Perspective is indeed a wonderful thing, and so -- in spite of the twinge -- is conviction. thanks for giving me both today!
