Saturday, January 27, 2007

Youth Statistics

National Statistics and then how is breaks down for Abilene (a city with a church on every corner)

We currently have 9,838 6-12th grade students in Abilene and Wylie alone.

1/3 of teenagers have been drunk in the last month = 3280 in Abilene

1/4 of teenagers have used illegal drugs = 2460 in Abilene

8,000 contract an STD (sexually transmitted disease) each day

340,000 abortions happen to teenagers each year

1/10 teenagers are raped = 984 in Abilene

14,000 sexual references will be seen by the average teenager this year

1/2 of all teenagers are no longer virgins = 4919 in Abilene

1500+ commit suicide each year

53% of teenagers believe that Jesus sinned = 5314 in Abilene

83% of teenagers believe that truth is relative = 8366 in Abilene

65% of teenagers say there is no way to tell which religion is true = 6395 in Abilene

1/5 of teenagers contemplate suicide = 1968 in Abilene

If something doesn't change in the way that we REACH teenagers, the statistics indicate that in just 5-7 short years we could see only 4% of this generation being bible-believing Christians.

What this tells me is that we need to get up and get working.


dreamingBIGdreams said...
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T and T Livesay said...

Wow. That is the saddest buncho of stats I have seen in a long time.