Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dirty Dancing

Sing it with me. "I've had the time of my life and I owe it all to you..." This song came on the radio this afternoon. It took me back to a place so distant it seemed unreal. When the movie Dirty Dancing came out I was in junior high. Everywhere I went people told me that I looked just like Jennifer Grey. It got to the point that I had a major distaste for those words. I did not really know what she looked like. I was not allowed to see the movie. Oh, I wanted to. I wanted to know who all these people were comparing me to.

One out of the ordinary day my sister-in-law allowed me to watch the movie. She sympathized with my pain and decided I could view this movie. I remember sitting really close to the TV screen taking in every expression that "Baby" made. Do I look like her? Why does everyone think I look like her?

She was the one that can we just say not the pretty one. I wanted to be the pretty dancer girl. Why couldn't I look like her? Looking back I did resemble "Baby" a lot. I had the short curly hair, sleek eyes, and a big nose. I will never forget the first day of freshmen year when Jason Cato said "Wow...your face finally grew into your noise." Ouch. To be honest I feel bad that I am even writing these words. Jennifer, if you somehow read this, I am sorry. I too had a big nose. I sympathize.

Back to reality. I began to think on how I worried over looking like "Baby"...some moments it really bothered me. Then my thoughts moved over my current life. Who am I worried that I look like?

A sweet familiar voice spoke over me. You are grown now. Not that girl. The worry is not about who you don't want to look like but it is in the WHO you do want to look like. You desire to look like me. Don't worry I know that. Truth is I needed to hear that.

He loves me even with my big nose. He loves me now and he loved me then.

Not only me but you too...

It would be stunning to be in a random aisle at the grocery store when someone would approach and say...You know who you look like...


Anonymous said...

i.love.this.post. plain and simple. first of all, i honestly started singing along i read the first few lines. that has to be THE best song to belt out. on more than one occassion i've had a friend come into my room and laugh to find me watching the old school video for it. eeeesh! secondly, the thought of having someone come up and say, "do you know who you look like?" and should it ever be HIM - what a sweet thought. i've had many times of prayer when he repainted the image of what he wants me to see when i look in the mirror. and every time - he would lead me up to the mirror, standing behind me. instead of seeing my own reflection in the mirror (fat, thin? ugly, pretty?), he just wanted me to see HIM. that's who he wanted me to look like. oh friend, you've given me precious thoughts for the morning! THANK YOU.

dreamingBIGdreams said...

I love this. thanks.

Amanda said...

Debra, me too! I was in elementary school when that movie came out (also not allowed to watch it) and a cafeteria worker said, "You look like Baby!" It was the nose. However, Baby had her a nose job and all you ever hear about her these days is how unrecognizable and unremarkable she is because she's just like everyone else. I recently decided to name my parents' house the Schnaz Mahal since 3 out of 4 of us have big noses.

jen said...

I love this! Great post! Made me remember when a boy I used to have a crush on in Jr. High told me, "you're not as ugly as you used to be". Gee, thanks. The things is, I didn't need to be "not ugly" for him because I've always been beautiful to God. Thanks for posting this!

Deidre said...

Oh, I could go on and on with this subject. I teach a high school girls SS class, and spend so much time trying to convince them that God loves them just the way they are .... only to struggle with the same issue when I get home. Ugh!

Great post. Thank you!